Local Action, Global Impact: Celebrating World Environment Day at 云顶集团糖果游戏

rainbow color layers in circle graphic
Monday, June 3, 2024

Each year around World Environment Day, 联合国承认需要采取紧急行动来长期保护我们的环境,并为关注气候风险等紧迫问题提供了一个全球平台, pollution and water consumption.

Our Twentyby30™ program 与联合国的目标一致,并推动我们为包括能源在内的众多目标而努力, water and waste reduction; higher recycling rates; ethical sourcing; safety in the workplace; Diversity & Inclusion and much more. 

云顶集团糖果游戏's Twentyby30 logo, trademarked with the tagline "Accelerating Sustainability."

如果没有全球员工的贡献,就不可能实现适当规模的进步. 我们依靠他们在我们运营的每个地方的主动性来寻找更高效的方法, more responsible and more forward-thinking. 在世界环境日前后以及之后的很长一段时间内,最大限度地发挥我们作为一个全球性组织的影响力, 我们鼓励每个皇冠工厂和办公地点开展区域活动,通过改善生产线来改变其具体的运营足迹或社区, employee education sessions, local volunteer work or other inspired ideas. 

只有每位员工的创造力和奉献精神,我们才能帮助我们实现雄心勃勃的目标, 支持更大的行业倡议,为子孙后代更好地保护我们的世界.

Building New Best Practices

This same mindset of widespread impact drives our Twentyby30™ Best Practices program, which acknowledges the helpful operational efficiencies, 在各个皇冠设施中实现的安全改进和可持续发展努力,旨在与我们更大的企业公民目标保持一致. Whether involving equipment or process changes, the innovative actions taken at local levels ladder up to our larger Twentyby30™ pillars of focus and are often replicable in our other locations. 我们继续在我们的网络中尽可能地实施这些想法,最终增加我们的全球影响力,并在我们的承诺方面取得进展.


我们关注本月的世界环境日,见证我们的团队继续做出可持续的贡献, 我们受到最佳实践项目最近获奖者的启发, which include:

Climate Action:

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Our beverage can plant in Custines, France 启动了一项为期多年的热回收项目,该项目将减少洗衣机锅炉使用的气体60%,并通过消除停机时间提高工艺可靠性. In the first year of implementation, 该团队通过一系列工艺改进减少了63%的天然气使用量. 其中包括集成新的热交换器以降低必要的水温, installing a large tank for energy storage, 并实施控制系统,以确保工艺优化和降低能耗.

Optimum Circularity:

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In Tocancipá, Colombia, 发起了一个名为“Trueque a la lata”的项目,以增加废旧饮料罐的收集和回收(UBC)。, which are then sent to DP Watering, 该设施使用ubc的铝代替原铝生产水处理过程中的混凝剂. 在项目实施的第一年,皇冠哥伦比亚公司的员工收集了2万多罐可乐. Rather than paying 云顶集团糖果游戏 for the material, DP Watering makes a financial donation to “Mano Amiga,” an educational program for low-income students.

Resource Efficiency:

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The team based in our LaCrosse, Wisconsin 饮料罐设施在2022年减少了22%的用水量, while doing so, diverting an estimated 170,000 pounds of waste from landfill. 节约源于优化了洗罐过程中的用水. 这一重要的努力也使该团队获得了2023年主席可持续发展奖的认可.

Working Together:

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With more than 40% of safety issues being hand-related, our Transit Packaging Division 在其角板(纸)和ITP位置的所有工作功能中实施标准化的手套和前臂保护. 操作人员和工厂领导根据手套的性能系统地对其进行评级, including measures based on protection rating, comfortability and applicability, to reduce future hand-related safety incidents.

The 云顶集团糖果游戏 Colombiana team was also recognized for creating a private, 舒适方便的哺乳室供母亲在工作日使用. 房间里还有一个冰箱,白天可以安全地储存母乳.

与我们一起庆祝整个月的世界环境日,随时随地跟随我们 LinkedIn for updates on our widespread efforts.

Learn more about our Twentyby30™ program here: