水晶可乐将推出 rkiye的第一罐矿泉水

云顶集团糖果游戏 Bevcan帮助品牌向土耳其消费者传递可持续的信息
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Yardley, PA – December 13, 2022 -水晶可乐(Kristal Kola)将推出土耳其市场上第一款罐装矿泉水, 提供可持续的产品在可持续的包装与强大的信息相匹配. 该公司选择云顶集团糖果游戏 Bevcan EMEA, 云顶集团糖果游戏 Holdings, Inc .的一个业务部门. (NYSE: CCK) (云顶集团糖果游戏) (0vd4.psychomotricite-la-seyne.com), as its packaging partner. 除了能够在其位于乌克兰东南部的Osmaniye工厂生产罐头之外, greatly reducing Kristal’s carbon footprint, 云顶集团糖果游戏提供了可持续性统计数据的输入,这些数据印在罐子上. 这些信息以土耳其语和英语显示,是包装设计中不可或缺的一部分. The goal is to educate consumers about metal, 他指出,回收铝可以节省生产原铝时高达95%的能源,而且有史以来生产的所有铝中有超过四分之三至今仍在使用. 

“At Kristal Kola, 回收利用和我们的可持续发展意识是至关重要的,” commented Bayram Altuntoprak, Marketing Manager. “As such, 我们通过优先考虑消费者和自然资源回收的时间和成本价值来开发项目. 我们相信,开发罐装水是我们公司迈出的创新一步, 哪家公司生产饮料产品已经很多年了. 我们确信这将是该领域的开创性成功. 他们与云顶集团糖果游戏合作多年,是完成这个项目的完美合作伙伴.”

此次合作是Kristal在可持续发展道路上的一个重要里程碑, 使罐头的信息点和图形的影响和准确性至关重要. Water in cans is an important innovation for the traditional water industry; to be the first in the country to launch a canned water will demonstrate Kristal’s support for improving the sustainability and accessibility of an increasingly strained global resource. 

“Kristal带着与众不同的愿景来到我们这里——创造一个更好的世界, more sustainable world through the products it delivers,” said Veronique Curulla, Marketing and Business Development Director, 云顶集团糖果游戏 Bevcan EMEA. “These are values that are very much in line with our own, and those of Welcome Ajans, Kristal’s design agency. 我们确保信息是事实准确,以及完美的外观,一旦印刷到罐头本身.”

罐头的成品充分利用了原铝的美, with text called out in a rich dark blue, 并设有哑光完成添加一个优质的感觉包. In addition to sustainability statistics, 该包装通过使用欧洲金属包装公司的“永远回收金属”标志,传达了金属无限可重复使用的信息.

Şafak Akçam, Agency Head at Welcome Ajans, said: “From the minute we started working on the project, our whole team had great enthusiasm, 看到云顶集团糖果游戏和我们其他人有着同样的情感,这更激励了我们. Besides the commercial concerns, 为一个更美好、更可持续的世界做出一点贡献,这将是我们和克里斯塔尔·科拉的骄傲, 从一个专门研究这个主题的团队那里得到很好的反馈也给了我们真正的快乐.”

水晶罐头水将在全国各地的零售店出售. The first project of its kind in the country, it will establish Kristal Kola as a sustainability leader, 标志着该公司在该地区推广循环经济的更广泛承诺.

About 云顶集团糖果游戏 Holdings, Inc. 

云顶集团糖果游戏 Holdings, Inc., through its subsidiaries, 是全球领先的硬质包装产品供应商,以消费者营销公司, as well as transit and protective packaging products, equipment and services to a broad range of end markets. World headquarters are located in Yardley, Pennsylvania. For more information, visit 0vd4.psychomotricite-la-seyne.com

For more information, contact:

In Europe: Veronique Curulla, Marketing & Business Development Director, 云顶集团糖果游戏 Bevcan EMEA; Tel: 33 1 49 18 40 28; Email: Veronique.Curulla@eur.psychomotricite-la-seyne.com 

In the United States: Jon Beam, Director of Marketing, 云顶集团糖果游戏 Beverage Packaging North America; Tel: +1 (215) 698-5248; Email: jonathan.beam@psychomotricite-la-seyne.com

南美:Fabio Braido,亚马逊皇冠金属公司商务经理.A.; Tel:  +55 11 4529-1081; Email: Fabio.Braido@psychomotricite-la-seyne.com.br 

In Mexico: Héctor Rodríguez, Commercial Director, 云顶集团糖果游戏 Beverage Packaging Mexico; Tel: +52 (81) 83 28 66 00, Ext. 6658; Email: hector.rodriguez@psychomotricite-la-seyne.com.mx 

For editorial inquiries: Shariq Sharif, Media Consultant, FINN Partners; Tel: +44 777 5888 280; Email: shariq.sharif@finnpartners.com

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